The Damon System offers Technology – low friction, low force, faster treatment with less discomfort! Unlike conventional braces, the Damon System uses gentle forces designed to protect the health of your teeth and gums while in treatment. The Damon System Braces achieve a smile that is more than straight teeth—it provides a beautiful, natural smile.
Dr. Faunce uses Indirect bonding, which is a state of the art technology used to affix the brackets to your teeth with mechanical precision.
Clear aligners are removable and virtually invisible. We use both SPARK and Invisalign clear aligner system for the different advantages they have in treatment. They include a series of tight-fitting custom-made mouthpieces or orthodontic systems that are useful in correcting misaligned or crooked teeth. Clear aligners a removable alternative to braces. They are ideal for people who want to correct their teeth without the look of metal braces.
Clear braces are the same as traditional metal braces except – they are clear! Clear braces are a less noticeable alternative to traditional metal braces and provide patients with an equally effective treatment. As with any orthodontic treatment, it is important to choose the right option for your needs and lifestyle. Clear braces are a great alternative to traditional metal braces and Dr. Faunce will help you determine whether they are the right treatment for you.
Dentofacial Orthodontics involves the guidance of facial growth and development, which occurs for the most part during childhood, and is a reason why children are often the best candidates braces. Straightening your teeth isn’t only for aesthetic reasons. Crooked teeth can be harder to clean which could cause periodontal disease or tooth decay. Teeth that don’t fit together correctly can make it harder to chew, lead to headaches and even shoulder and neck pain.
Braces are not just for children!
Retainers are orthodontic devices whose function is to keep teeth straight. Teeth expanders are devices that enlarge your mouth to create more room by slowly expanding the jaw. There are different types of retainers – Click here for more information.